Taxes & Fees
Sales Tax Rate - 5.300%
Income Tax Rate - 5.8%
Real Estate Tax Rate - .33%
Personal Property Tax Rate -
Car Sticker Fee -$27/vehicle
Trailer Sticker Fee -$8/trailer​
Town council Meetings
Town Council meetings are held on the second Monday of each Month, at 7:00 pm. All meetings are open to the public. Currently meetings are being held in the Parksley Vol.firehall until further notice.
Trash Pickup
Trash pickup is every Monday morning. Times vary and are usually early. Please plan accordingly possibly putting cans out the night before.
Emergency Numbers
In case of EMERGENCY, call 911
If you need to speak with a police officer, call the Accomack County Sheriff's Office at 757-787-1131 and ask for the Parksley Officer on Duty.
Riverside Shore Memorial Hospital - 757-302-2100
Electricity - ANEC 800-431-2632
Parksley Post Office - 757-665-4558
Parksley Volunteer Fire Company - 757-665-6977